Thursday, 10 July 2008

Fudge-a-mania by Brittany

I have recently been reading Fudge-a-mania be Judy Blume. I really enjoyed it as I don't normally read unless I have to. I had been reading it in my english lessons and whilst on the bus home and at home i'd pick it up. I think it is a really good book as it has humour and real life things included in it.

It is a really good book because it isn't too long and you don't want to put it down. It is about a boy named peter. He and his family are going on holiday to Maine. He invites his friend to come along but his worst enemy Sheila Tubman and her family are sharing the house with them. How will he survive? You'll have to read the book! Good luck findung the right book for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the review but reading shouldn't be a chore!