Thursday, 27 November 2014

A Boy Called Hope

by Laura Williamson
-A Review By Danica Bowkis, Y7-

It's a book about a boy called Dan Hope and he has lots of hopes such as: he wants to help Sherlock Holmes solve his most daring mystery and he wants his sister Ninja Grace to go to university in the North Pole, but most of all he wants his Dad to love him.

On day, Dan is watching TV whilst eating a peanut butter sandwich, he was coping fine without his Dad but something changed hugely. On the TV was his Dad presenting a programme!

This is an emotional book with amazing detail. I recommend the book to 11+. So far it is one of my favourite books ever.

Awful Auntie

by David Walliams
-A Review By Alexndra Green-

The book I just finished was amazing and a bit scary. A girl called Stella woke up from a coma in loads of bandages but her bones weren't actually broken. So she tried to get out of her bandages and tried to run away because her parents got killed in a car crash.

She ran away barefoot in her pyjamas but her Auntie caught her and locked her in the cellar, until she saw a ghost. The ghost helped her get out of the cellar and Stella went to call the police. The next day detectives came and looked around the house.

After a long time they saw something very strange about the detective and when the detective mentioned a poisonous tree seed Stella found out that the detective was her Auntie and that she had killed Stella's parents!

Eventually Stella pushed her Auntie off the roof of the house and she was killed and Stella turned her house into a children's home.

I thought the book was just incredible, I got quite scared at some parts!

Yu-Gi-Oh Books


-A Review By James Kelsall, Y7-



There are many books of Yu-Gi_oh in the series, there are 25 books I total. They are ecstatic. I've loves all of the books and I still do! They are excellent. The main characters are Joey, Tristram, Yugi and the Farrow.
The books are based on the ancient card game called Yu-Gi-Oh which was played 3000 years ago in the stories. But the game that they all love is suddenly turned to life by the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh.

The Naughtiest Girl in School

by Enid Blyton


-A Review By A Girl in Y7-

This book is about an 11 year old girl called Elizabeth who is very spoilt. Her parents are going away so they said that she has to go to boarding school but she doesn't want to. She said that she would be the naughtiest girl in school and so naughty that they'll send her home.
When she gets to Whetelefe School, Elizabeth starts off being very naughty  but then starts getting nicer because everyone keeps being mean to her. She makes a friend and finds out it's her birthday but her friend is really upset and Elizabeth doesn't ask her why and she finds out that its because no one ever care that it's her birthday. Elizabeth suddenly realizes how lucky she is!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Leo Africanus


by Amin Maalouf

-A review by Mrs. O'Grady of the MFL Department-
I would like to tell you about one of the best books I have ever read:

Leo Africanus by the French writer Amin Maalouf (who left Lebanon during the 70s war).

It starts in Granada Spain at the time of the peaceful cohabitation between Jews, Muslims and Catholics and ends in the Vatican.

It takes you on an epic journey through Spain, North Africa, Egypt, Arabia, Europe and Rome.

Amin Maalouf is also an intelligent historian. His books are based on true historical events within an imaginative plot.