Saturday, 7 December 2013

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

by Sean Williams

A book review by Ryan Chapman

The book of the award-winning videogame by Lucas Arts is a actually a more tense, futuristic expereince than playing the game itself. The story takes place before the adventures of Luke Skywalker and after the events of Anakin Skywalker and his transformation into the evil Darth Vader.
The hero is clone of the original hero Starkiller, who was murdered by Darth Sidious during an attempt to free his captured allies (which he did). So, Darth Vader, in secret, decided to clone Starkiller and kept him a hostage, training him in the use of the Dark Side.
The way the book is written makes you feel like you're at the edge of your seat. Every moment there's an adventure round the corner. The setting at the beginning is dark and rainy, on a lonely base floating on a stormy ocean. That is where Starkiller's clone is held.
The author, Sean Williams, has made the main character, Starkiller, a lonely man, always off in his own mind, learing about with every step he takes.
The book is aimed at young adults and teens aged 13 + (I guess).